The three-year programme is being piloted in two tribal blocks of Maharashtra – Trimbak and Peth in Nasik district. It is implemented by Vachan, a non-governmental organisation (NGO), with support from Bhavishya Alliance.
The intervention included
- Create and maintain a well-coordinated network linking the communities, grassroots health workers, transport facilities and healthcare institutions in tribal blocks. A health helpline will be set up to receive calls and provide assistance with child and maternal health issues. This will be linked to a transportation system at the block level to ensure that women can travel to access appropriate care during obstetric emergencies.
- Setting up a financial at the community level to meet the emergency financial needs of mothers and children.
- Provide training for doctors, paramedics and other health personnel including ASHAs (Accredited Social Health Activists) and health workers at the block and district levels.