Mr. Suketu Kumar has done his MBA from XIM – Bhubaneswar and engineering from Birla Vishwakarma Mahavidyalay. He has a total experience of 19 years, of which he spent the last 12 years in ICICI Venture (private equity). His role in ICICI Venture had been to participate in fundraising activities – both domestic and international, lead and make investments, to manage the investments and help portfolio companies grow profitably. Suketu has invested in structured investments, minority investments as well as buy-outs. Prior to this he has gained experience in various roles comprising, debt / structured finance, mergers & acquisitions, consulting and operations during his stints with IDFC Ltd., Reliance (ADAG), PwC and HFCL.
In his current role at ICICI Foundation, Suketu synergises with Operations team and works on Value Chain enhancement and Entrepreneurship Development, with a focus to sustainably enhance livelihoods. This involves identification of opportunities, preparing possible solutions, creating value chains, and enhancing the impact of existing value chains.